Lots of information for your support
A fair amount of information has been released on the ProlifeCell website. Divided and narrowed into product info as found under Products and comprehensive info under Support. If you have further questions please contact us and we shall look into your requests.
The above photo with sketches and components gives you an idea about our work and the materials we use.
ProlifeCell's back-up group www.stobbe.com developed in the 90ties a patented concept and manufacturing method of large ceramics Cross-Flow-Filter membrane carrier's (OD 144 x L 865 mm) with 13 m2 surface area. Able to handle large broth volumes with a range of viscosities, particle sizes and dry mass. Unique with respect to retentate velocity, trans-membrane-pressure, permeate pressure, fouling, selective separation, filter cake, deposits control, pore size, and much more.
- This first membrane adventure continued into the next ambitious basic development work. Which became the background for the CerCore™ and CellCore™ concept. Project was named Glycomics and sponsored financially also by the Danish and Swedish state.
- The third step became the realistic background for the products CerCore™ and CellCore™. CellCoreTM came out of an European Community FP6 sponsored R&D project named Atlantis - which took place from 2008-2012.
- The fourth step created better understanding and real PoC tests in the FP7 HE-SUB project. Real Continuous Processing technology now to be found in CellTank, CellReactor.
Please be advised that ProlifeCell seek to avoid paper documentation in order to comply with environmental movements to "go green". You will find plenty of on-line documentation on www.prolifecell.com and sister companies www.cercell-com and www.perfusecell.com and www.pumpcell.com and www.cronus-pcs.com.
Per Stobbe – April 2018