Electrical thermal control of CellTank and CellReactor CP-SUB
Larger sized Heating-Support-Foot (HSF) that fits any of the OD 137 mm vessel used for both CellTank and CellReactor. The here show example use 1,200 ml water. The slot in the front allow an outlet like for the PICO bio-mass SUS mounted horizontal at bottom.
IR photo shows cold IR photo and warm IR photo. The P-SUBs liquid 1.2 liter Working Volume is lifted to 37°C temperature and app 18°C above surroundings. The aluminium HSF exhibit only minor gradients seen with bright yellow HSF being app 42°C. Media in even orange colour above HSF which also show even colour and temperature.
The OD 137 mm CellTank CP-SUB mounted in green HSF bolted onto the polished MST-C. The white nylon body on the rear side houses the power socket, the protection thermostat and the round black dot being the Rotary Switch for voltage selection.
Improve thermal conductivity
- Add some ml of Glycerine into the HSF core
- Wrap the "naked" CP-SUB with one or two layer of bubble foil
- Weight consideration (in kilo) for 2 different setup
- ALU MST-Compact - 2.4
- Servo motor - 1.6
- Heating-Support-Foot - 1.9
- Media - 1.5
- SUB - 1.3
Total 8.7
- SS MST-Compact - 4.8
- Servo motor - 1.6
- Heating blanket pn 22370, dim 75 x 350 mm - 0.5
- Media - 1.5
- SUB - 1.3
Total 9.7